Another Christmas without Paulie

Published on 22 December 2023 at 14:29

This will be the second Christmas without my little buddy. All the glass ornaments that I had made for him are stored in my glass curio. I bring some of the out to hang on the tree in the very front. The bone ornament was made a year after we adopted Paulie. It hangs on a hook by his picture along with a rainbow ornament. The "I love you to the moon and back" ornament was made in 2014 right after Paulie passed. Designing this one was a tearjerker for me. When it arrived, I couldn't look at it for some time. The mourning of Paulie lasted for a few years. Even now, when I hang this ornament on the tree, I still cry. It's been a rough few years without having a dog, however, as I'm getting older, I'm still sitting on the fence about adopting another. The recovery of the fractured shoulder has been a slow and long journey and will be going on for many more month. I'll be traveling in a few weeks for a month to decompress from the accident. Maybe when I return, I'll be ready for a pet. For now, I just think about the wonderful times I had will Paulie and know I was a good pet owner to him. Actually to al the pets I owned since I was ten years old. If we do adopt another dog, I know it will be my last due to my age. Here are pictures of Paulie with Santa and Mrs. Claus. They were taken at the boarding facility at the vets office. The one with Santa was a surprise to us and I think to Paulie! The other, I bought Paulie a plaid bowtie to wear with his Mr. Rogers sweater. He was a hit! This was his last holiday picture before he passed the following year. 


Wishing you and yours a wonderful holiday season. Don't forget to kiss your furbabies and keep them safe.