Current Blogs

Update Since Book Release on 5/22/24

The book has been out since May 22, 2024. Sales have been good and I've been busy promoting it by word of mouth, contacting libraries and dropping off flyers at businesses. On June 12, 2024, I will bee meeting with the shelter to where a portion of the book sales will be sent. A book is being donated to them along with bookmarks, flyers and stickers. I am fortunate that they have offered to promote the book on their social media pages. I was also informed that the book is available in the U.S., Canada, Great Britain and Australia. I was searching the internet and I found the ebook in two other countries. My husband and I had neighbors over one weekend and they asked me to autograph their book for their grandkids. Everyday is something different. It is all good and I'm happy the book is finished. I've learned a lot so should I write another, it should be a breeze.

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The numbers are real.

I was reading a post the other day which made my heart sink. A county shelter reported how many animals were euthanized to date. The number was around 270. I'm not disclosing which shelter as I'm trying to make a point. Adopting and Fostering saves lives.

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I learned a wealth of info at training class!

Note: I'm not being paid to endorse anything that I suggest here on my website. The info I post is based on my experiences while caring for Paulie. I suggest you research as well as the information or products may not be available in your area.

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Why did I write this book?

The followers from Paulie's social media page encouraged me to write the children's book after they saw the poem. That was placed on the back burner because of Paulie's failing health in early 2021. After his passing, I took two years off to mourn my little man. 

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First Aid and CPR Classes

I took my very first pet first aid and CPR class back in 2013 prior to moving to the Mid-west with our senior cat, Star. Upon completing the class, I was certified for a year. Fortunately, I never needed to use it, however, having that knowledge in my back pocket was priceless. Below is the first aid kit I bought to take on the airplane with Star and when we were renting in Chicago before our house was ready to move into. It was added security.

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Please consider becoming an adopter or foster.

Much has changed since we adopted Paulie back in 2014. The shelters weren't as full and fosters/adopters were plentiful. The situation drastically changed during the pandemic. Families were adopting to have a companion at home while they worked at home. Then when businesses opened up and the pet owners went back to work the situation changed again. More and more animals were showing up at the rescues and shelters. There weren't enough fosters or adopters to go around to help the shelters free up space. Not much has changed over a few years ago. Adopters and fosters are in great demand.

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